Taglock travel lock, ID and tracker case

Now that we are starting to travel a little more thanks to the lifting of COVID restrictions over the past two years. You may be interested in a new smart travel lock, tracking ID card and tracker case that is recognized by the TSA called Taglock travel lock.

The trackable travel lock and identification card comes with its own companion application that can be loaded onto your Android or iOS phone and the system is compatible with Apple, Tile, TL-Tracker and other manufacturers of smart tags.

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Featuring an integrated housing unit that accepts the most popular tracking tags. Specially priced early bird pledges are now available for the innovative project from roughly $42 or £31 (depending on current exchange rates), offering a considerable discount of approximately 50% off the retail price, while the Kickstarter crowd funding is under way.

The TAGLOCK and TAGLOCK PLUS are your trusty travel companions. Whether you are jet-setter travelling across the globe, a student that wants to assure the safety of their bag or a family man with little ones that have a tendency to lose their stuff – TAGLOCK’s got you covered! Go with the brand recognized around the globe. TAGLOCK products house TSA accepted locks which give you access to 675 airports worldwide, allowing customs official to access your bag without damaging or removing your lock by force.”

Taglock travel lock and tracker case

If the Taglock crowd funding campaign successfully raises its required pledge goal and manufacturing progresses smoothly, worldwide shipping is expected to take place sometime around .

With 20 million units of luggage being lost annually by airlines, you are 99% more likely to have your luggage found and returned if you have a visible ID tag on your bag. Our steel shackle combination lock helps secure your ID to your bag during transit, so that you can rest easy, knowing that your luggage is in the safest company.”

“The TAGLOCK PLUS connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth. If your bag happens to get snatched or you leave it on the bus, you’ll get an instant alert message on your smart phone. Whether you’re working at a coffee shop or bartering for souvenirs in a bizarre, you decide the distance and we’ll let you know if something fishy goes down. Peace of mind is within reach. Know where your valuables are at all times and track them easily with your preferred app.”

For a complete list of all available backing options, stretch goals, extra media and more features for the travel can tag, jump over to the official Taglock travel lock crowd funding campaign page by visiting the link below.

Source: Kickstarter   

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